»VENNEN« Monthly magazine, published in Denmark. Articles in Danish, German and English. Subscriptions, $3.50 by regular mail, $4.50 first class sealed. Address: Vennen, Postbox 809, Kobenhavn Ø, Denmark.


Monthly magazine published in Denmark by Forbundet af 1948 organization. Articles in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish. Subscriptions, $3.00 per year. Address: Pan, Postbox 1023, Kobenhavn K, Denmark,


Monthly literary and scientific review. Articles in French, some English. Subscriptions $9 per year. Address: Arcadie, c/o Cercle de France, 162 Rue Jeanne d'Arc, Paris XIIIe, France.


Illustrated journal, standard news paper format. General news, scientific and literary articles in French. Monthly. Regular subscription, $3 per year; first class sealed, $3.50. Address: Futur, 57 Rue de Clichy, Paris Ie, France.


Monthly magazine in French, English, German. Subscription $7 regular mail, $10 first class, per year. Address:

Der Kreis, Postbox 547, Fraumunster, Zurich 22, Switzerland.

Monthly in German, published at Kleine-

Dein Freund Freiheit 25, Hamburg-Altona, Germany.

Monthly publication of Gesellschaft fur HUMANITAS Menschenrechte organization, in German; Published at Neustadterstrasse 48, Hamburg 36, Germany.

Der Ring

Monthly in German. Subscriptions are $5 Address: per year. Der Ring, Bodtgerstrasse 14, Hamburg 13, Germany. Monthly in German, with some English. Subscriptions should be addressed to Der Weg zu Freundschaft und Toleranz, Colon-

Der Weg. Subscripreundschaft

naden, 5, Hamburg 36, Germany.

(6 times per year) Mimeographed news organ of the International Committee for Sexual Equality, English edition Address, Postbox 542, Amsterdam, Monthly magazine in Dutch. Subiendschap scription $4 per year. Published by Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum, Postbox 542, Amsterdam, Holland.

ICSE newsletter Subscription, $3.00 per year. Holland.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXOLOGY. Monthly. Published by Dr. A. P. Phillay, O.B.E., M.B.B.S. Whiteway Building, Bombay, India.


mattachine REVIEW

In the Next Issue....

A "BEST EVER" fifth issue of the conditions of inversion!" Mattachine Review will appear on Challenging? Don't miss it! September 15. Among the features you will read are these:

1. The program and theme of the 1955 Congress of the International Committee for Sexual Equality, to be held in Paris in mid-November, will be outlined. Theme of the meeting this year will be "Human Rights and the Origin of Morals."

2. The Importance of Being Honest," by Lyn Pedersen. The author of "Play Without a Stage" in the current July-August issue will present a tentative estimate of the homosexual role in history, with a study of some pitfalls of homosexual historiography, and a frank look at whether such pages of history ought to be opened.

3. R. H. Crowther brings up questions of ethics, philosophy and religion as it affects the invert and everyone else in a penetrating and thought-provoking feature, "Culture and Sexuality." One of his conclusions states: "We must constantly beware of homosexual groups who, while seeming to lead and benefit the homosexual, actually create a social environment and a philosophy which intensifies rather than relaxes

4. "Take My Name Off Your Mailing List!" That's a familiar cry, and as an aid to allay fears of readers here and there, the Review will carry a discussion of the position of the magazine and the Mattachine Society as it concerns mailing, as well as public activities of the organization. You may see a spotlight on some constitutional and legal guarantees you have forgotten-or never known about.

5. Book Reviews will hold more than departmental importance, too. For instance, there'll be another side presented on the book, "Hadrian's Memoirs," following James Barr's critique in this issue (See Books). In addition, two sides will be presented by reviewers of Dr. George W. Henry's brand new volume, "All the Sexes," with one of the two authors, Luther Allen, taking a firm stand, saying, "I don't agree."

Regular departments, letters, and and other features will be included.

All in all, the fifth issue will be something to read and read again. Don't miss it-on newsstands (limited distribution) or by subscription.

Articles, manuscripts, letters, art suggestions, and other contributions to make the Mattachine Review a better magazine are needed, and the Society is counting on you for help! Send all such material to Mattachine Review, Post Office Box 1925, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Please include self-addressed envelope if return of manuscript is desired.